Futbol y Mama Tica

March 19, 2009

Today we had our first day of project specific training, and my head hurts it is so filled with information, readings, and assignments. As usual, everything was organized beautifully by our staff, and they continue to provide us with excellent resources and support.

Tonight, instead of starting the massive pile of reading that I have to do, I decided to have a richer cultural experience by watching Costa Rican soccer with my family and their friends. I had the best time joking around with my Mama Tica, her in-laws, and a bunch of the neighbors who came to my Grandma Tica’s house to watch the game. My Mama Tica likes to ask me questions that she knows will elicit a response that everyone will find hilarious. So, everyone spent much of the evening laughing at me (and by “at me,” I mean “at me”). When I get home from my classes/meetings, I always tell her everything I did that was inappropriate or class-clown-like, because I adore her reactions. They usually begin with the rolling of the eyes, hand to the forehead, and some sort of saying that might translate to, “God help me, whatever am I going to do with this troubled and crazy child of mine!?!?” Please note that this is generally followed by something similar to, “She is just like her Mama Tica!” Watching the game with my host grandmother reminded me of watching Alabama Football with my Grandma and her sisters. There is something so endearing and entertaining/hilarious about watching an old women scream and curse at a bunch of male athletes on TV.

I wish I could share everything that is happening here, but it would be impossible. I have to go two towns away to get internet access, so I won’t be posting very frequently during training, but hopefully will have more time once I get to my 2-year site on May 30th. I love love love getting emails, and I love to know how people are doing so drop me a note if you can!


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